Monday, September 17, 2012

The Awesome Jowl

This is the first blog of many simple blogs that I will be posting about foods and things that people are missing out on, but they just don't know it.  I had to choose a blog name to do this, so naturally, I chose one of my favorite products: Falls Brand pork jowl bacon. This stuff is cheap, delicious and versatile.

It all started at Portland City Grill. I went there for a business lunch and had a fancy salad that had warm chunks (not from slices and almost cubes) of bacon. I was in love!  I made a mental note deep in the parts of my brain that, if left unchecked, would land me in OA (Over-eaters Anonymous).

I am a supermarket wanderer. When I am hungry or need a break mentally I wander supermarkets looking for things that I may like. One day, I was checking out meats at Fred Meyer and it was as if the pork jowl called to me. Ok, not really, but when I saw it, I knew I had to buy some and try it. Great call if I do say so myself.

I usually cut the jowl bacon into 1/2 x 1/2 x1 inch pieces and fry them up until crispy/chewy. The flavor and texture are top notch. I have used the jowl bacon in: Brazilian beans, nachos, salads, fruit salads (yes, it really does work), pasta salad, in breakfast tacos and/or omelets, with baked chicken, and just plain to snack on. (our oldest loves it when we give her the jowl bacon)

On the cost, look below, you can get well over a pound of great bacon for just over 3 bucks!  Wow!!!


  1. that looks yucky (; but i bet it would like it. i'll have to give it a try. do you think it would work in ham fried rice? keep up the blogging, i got to know what I'm missing out on b/c I just don't know!

    1. I think it would be great in 'bacon fried rice'; which just sounds like it actually may be too good to be true. I would be sure to pre-cook the bacon though because the jowl does put off plenty of clear bacon grease.

  2. I need to send you some prickly pear jam/syrup/whatever.

  3. I bought the falls brand smoked hog jowl bacon and it is OUT OF THIS WORLD GOOD, much better than regular bacon!!
    I am 71 and wish I had discovered it years ago.
